Kids in Camp is a charity for all OCA Camps – a national registered charity with the mission to help children to attend an Ontario Camps Association accredited summer day or overnight camp, despite financial hardship. Kids in Camp is proud to have partnered with 141 different OCA camps since 2009 (Partner Camps), and to have provided over $1,324,000 in camperships to over 3,200 children and youth, for 7,058 weeks of camp. We are forever indebted to our many generous donors annually, and especially to our partner camps who have contributed over $2,000,000 in fee subsidies in addition to our own campership funding.

We recognize that camp fees have had to rise substantially over the past few seasons, in order to cover the costs of fast-rising inflation as well as of the goods and services used by the industry. In recognition of this, for qualified applications, we have raised our potential maximum campership awards again in 2025 as follows:

  • Day Camps – a maximum of $ 300.00 per week, to a maximum of 4 weeks per approved camper.
  • Overnight Camps – a maximum of $ 550.00 per week, to a maximum of 3 weeks per approved camper.
  • Kids in Camp may award less than the maximum for successful applicants, depending upon a number of factors. 
  • A reminder that the camp is kindly asked to do their best to match their contribution by the amount that they are requesting from KIC. 
  • The family must contribute to the camper’s fees – that amount to be determined between the camp and the family. 
  • Family income must be $ 85,000.00 or less for 2023 or 2024, (gross income, as shown on line 15000 of CRA Notice of Assessments), all income earners in the home combined. 
  • If there is a child in the home with verifiable special needs (even if it is not that child being applied for), a 2023 or 2024 income of $ 95,000.00 (gross, combined) or less will be considered. Additional documentation will be requested in these cases. 
  • Completed, correct applications are due to KIC not later than midnight, Wednesday, April 23, 2025 and camps will be notified of the final status of all accepted applications by May 2, 2025.